ATTINY13A Motion Dectector Dog Stairs 

So I finally got my next shipment of PCB boards from The boards were perfect, not one mfg issue (I suspect this is mostly thanks to what I learned from It’s fantastically rewarding to see your ideas come to life, I posted here originally about the Arduino controlled dog stairs I had built but I wasn’t satisfied. I wanted to free up the Arduino, it’s not what a development board is for anyhow. I have since crossed the hurdle of building my own code in C using AVRStudio. I decided upon the ATTINY13A chip because it was small and really had just enough functionality to make this project work as I had wanted it to. The Arduino was overkill; an ATMEGA328 is WAY overkill for this project. I’ve learned so much about AVR programming I can’t even believe how far I’ve come. I’ve posted the AVR source code, high resolution pictures and the eagle files so you can build your own. I figure I’ve got no more than $10 invested in this not including the stairs!

ATTINY13A Dog Stairs

And here are the boards I got from the other day. Boards

Images and AVR Code
Title: AVRDogStairsSmall (1066 clicks)
Caption: Images and AVR Code
Size: 220 KB

Images and AVR Code
Title: AVRDogStairsSmall (1066 clicks)
Caption: Images and AVR Code
Size: 220 KB